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The Science Is In: Elephants Are Even Smarter Than We Realized
Ferris Jabr, writing for Scientific American, describes the wonderful "aha moment" a seven year old elephant named Kandula had in 2010. Kandula's home is at the National Zoo in Washington DC. Click here to read how Jabr describes Kandula's moment and also to watch Kandula show how smart elephants really are.
Synchronization of 32 metronomes
Click to watch a 4 min. video where you can see 32 out of sync metronomes start to sync with each other. Fascinating, isn't it? Jor, at ScienceDump wrote, "As each metronome comes to a stop & reverses direction at the top of it’s swing, it transfers energy to the platform. This energy transfers through the platform to each of the other metronomes..." [ Visit Website ]
Tutankhamun's Fireball (BBC Documentary)
Click to watch a 49 min. BBC documentary on Tutankhamun. writes that, "In 1996 in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Italian mineralogist Vincenzo de Michele spotted an unusual yellow-green gem in the middle of one of Tutankhamun's necklaces. The jewel was tested and found to be glass, but intriguingly it is older than the earliest Egyptian civilisation."
Supernova Erupts in Nearby Galaxy
Lucas Laursen and Nature magazine write: "Last night, light from a new supernova reached astronomers on Earth. Its origin: the nearby galaxy M82, some 3.5 megaparsecs away (11.4 million light years). It is one of the closest and brightest supernovae seen from Earth since a monster exploded in 1987 just 168,000 light years away. Astronomers say that the latest supernova is of the type 1a class, and may help reveal how such supernovae form. Moreover, because these supernovae are used as cosmic measuring sticks, understanding them better may help clarify the shape of the Universe..." [ Visit Website ]
How far away is the Moon?
Phil Plait wrote a nice blog on how far the Earth is from the Moon, the Sun, and the nearest star. In his blog he points to a 1.5 min. video that shows, to scale, how far the Moon really is from the Earth.
Be the Boss of Diabetes
Nutrition & Fitness writer
Your body breaks down food into a sugar called glucose. Your body’s cells get energy from glucose, but they need the hormone insulin to carry that glucose from your blood into the cell. Diabetes is a condition where the body either doesn’t make enough insulin, or the cells ignore insulin. Both cases make it hard for glucose to get into your body’s cells. Instead, it stays in the blood at high levels, and can lead to health problems.
The Joy of Stats with Professor Hans Rosling
Professor Hans Rosling enthusiastically starts off this one hour video lecture with, "Believe me! There's nothing boring about statistics! Especially today, when we can make the data SING!" This is an AWESOME and award-winning documentary on how statistics help us make sense of the world all around us. Enjoy!
Run the Great Wall Marathon with Christine!
Children Come First (CCF) is proud to sponsor Christine Gary as she runs marathons for charity on all seven continents. There’s a phrase in marathon running called “hitting the wall.” It’s when the body’s energy stores are depleted around mile 20 with 6 miles to go on an empty tank. For Christine’s next marathon, she’ll be hitting the wall in more ways than one. She’ll push past energy exhaustion and hit the wall, while ON the wall. The Great Wall of China.
The real zoo behind the movie "We Bought a Zoo"
 Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a zoo? Well, if you have seen the movie "We Bought a Zoo" starring Matt Damon then that gives you an idea of what it would be like. It's a wonderful movie and the best part is that it is based on a true story! It is the story of how the Mee family in England bought a zoo, renovated it, and still runs it. The name of the zoo is the Dartmoor Zoo.
Earth as Art
TheNASA Earth As Art collection features stunning images of Earth from five U.S. Earth-observing satellites. You can download the free NASA e-Book filled with beautiful images of the Earth as seen from space. An iPad App is also available.
Tasting the rainbow: ants multi-coloured abdomens show what they've been eating
Have you ever seen real ants with rainbow-colored abdomens? Mohamed Babu is a scientist living in Mysore, in South India, and he was able to make ants' abdomens turn different colors by feeding them different colored sugar drops. Click here to read the article written by a Daily Mail reporter in England. The article tells the whole story and has more pictures of the rainbow-colored ants.
CCF Kids
How many types of bikes can you name?
Have you ever heard of "the walking machine"? The Bicycle Museum has posted a timeline with a quick history of bicycles. They also provide a page full of links to interesting bike-related sites. many different types of bikes can you name? Before you watch the video, that is. :-)
CCF Kids
More planets than stars found in the Milky Way
A while back we posted an article about the number of stars in the universe. More stars than grains of sand in the world mentioned the studies of Dr. Simon Driver, who has guessed at the number of stars we can see...and can only guess at the ones we're not seeing. On January 11th, three studies were published telling us that we actually could have more planets than stars in the Milky Way!
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